Thursday, June 23, 2011

Village Idiot of the Day, June 22, 2011: leno6

We are accustomed to attacks on the American Civil Liberties Union. A good half of the US population believes that civil rights are downright unAmerican, unConstitutional, and well...Communist. We are, in fact, old enough to remember when back in the 1970s, a large prominent news outlet (Time Magazine maybe?) took a national poll on the Bill of Rights. The majority of respondents declared them "Communist." Being a traditionalist, we are elated to see that nothing has changed since then but... is I Hate Canton the only person bored with the Commie meme?

All this is by way of introduction to the curious wire story about the ACLU standing up for the civil right of politicians to march in parades, published in Wednesday's Rep: ACLU warns Ohio cities about 4th of July parades:

The ACLU says the Cleveland suburbs of Bedford and Shaker Heights and the Columbus suburb of Dublin allow only incumbent office holders to appear in their parades. The group says that violates the free-speech rights of other candidates.

IHC agrees. We find it unconscionable that politicians, unless they're sitting in office, be barred from Fourth of July parades. This exclusion seems grossly biased. Even though we ourself, love politicians, we can commiserate with Dublin spokeswoman Sandra Puskarcik's defense of her city's policy:

Puskarcik tells The Columbus Dispatch her city adopted limits after residents complained about boring parades filled with candidates.

Still, if Independence Day isn't about politicians, then what holiday is? The Declaration of Independence was drafted by one of the greatest-ever American politicians: Thomas Jefferson (with a little help from other politicians.) And of course, politicians signed it.

That fact, though, doesn't stop leno6, who we have no reason to believe is an anarchist, complaining about the ACLU's interest in packing parades with pols.

leno 6
The ACLU should be declared unconstitutional,and made to shut down.It is a communist organization form in the 1920's to destroy America with America's constitution.Their are terrorist against everything that makes America,America. It is the citizens right to invite who ever they wish to their parades.Does this mean the football hall of fame will have to have basketball,baseball,and hockey players in their parade too. See how stupid this is.

Again, we love politicians. A few years ago we marched (or should I say ran, since much of the time was spent running up and down the street passing out lit) in a Fourth of July parade for a probate candidate. Besides being good exercise, a parade is a good pick-up venue.

We understand, of course, that some people find politicians offensive; not the kind of people you want in your neighborhood or your parade. To get around this problem, we suggest that all candidates AND incumbents be barred from marching and riding and glad handing in parades. Then none of them can cry discrimination, unless the disenfranchised, as a class, file suit.

We have no idea who leno6 is He is probably new wine in an old skin. God knows, he's ready to burst. We'll be writing a longer piece tomorrow on a gaggle of villagers, but for today, we are happy to award our new contender, leno6, Village Idiot of the Day, June 22, 2011.

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